Friday Footnotes: Political Tax Returns; Satyam Stigma for PwC?; Workplace Wearables | 04.10.15

It begins.

Competitors say Satyam verdict will haunt PriceWaterhouseCoopers "Some companies would start looking at audit rotation in next six-months, and a mere reminder of Satyam around the same time could make many companies nervous," said the India head of one of the big four. [ET]

Working for PWC, Deloitte, EY and KPMG. What’s the difference? [EFC]

Half of people would use a workplace smartwatch – PwC research An actual study. [PwC]

Comcast Reluctantly Lets Man Cancel Service After His House Burns Down [Gawker]

Russia Is Outlawing Celebrity Memes [Gizmodo]

Then, there's this: