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Don't forget to take the Going Concern reader survey [GC]
Third of accountants actively looking for a new job [Accountancy Age]
These accounting firms are hiring in Charlotte [CBJ]
"Our processing systems are back in business. Taxpayers should see little, if any, impact on their tax returns or refunds." [Reuters]
Md. suspends tax filings from more Liberty Tax franchises [TBS]
"It's a common practice but when you're in the government and you have the unique situation that we do – where you have multi-year lease authority without multi-year funds – it doesn't quite work that way." [Reuters]
Puerto Rico Ready to Accept Federal Control in Return for Help in Debt Restructuring [DealBook]
Getting beyond the BS of leadership literature [MQ]
The Week in Donald Trump’s Twitter Insults [NYT]
Wife crashes her own funeral, horrifying her husband, who had paid to have her killed [WaPo]
Eight-legged Johnny Cash [CSM]