Deloitte Committed to Disrupting Status Quo, Says Deloitte Status Quo

If we were playing the business buzzword drinking game with the following Facebook post, we'd be wasted before the end of this sentence. Grab your shot glass and let's take a look.

It's incredibly refreshing to see the Deloitte status quo ready to battle against the status quo for the sake of clients, Deloitte's people, and yes, even society itself.

In their Global Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board letter, terminal status quoians Barry Salzberg and Steve Almond shamelessly humblebrag about their long tradition of surviving disruption on all sides over nearly two centuries:

Facing unprecedented disruption—whether caused by exponential technology advances, digital transformation, intense regulatory scrutiny, continuing globalization, geopolitical uncertainty or economic volatility—is the new normal for our clients—and for us. But we continue to stand ready to lead, guide, or advise those that depend on us through the challenges these market forces bring.

In fact, over our 169 years in the business, we have learned how to successfully turn challenges into business opportunities. It’s made us who we are today – the broadest, most deeply skilled, integrated professional services organization in the market. And it’s why so many of the largest, most sophisticated clients choose Deloitte to help solve their toughest challenges.

Translation: we're innovating our way into the future by doing the same thing we've done for 169 years, which is look out for ourselves, bill by the hour, rest on our laurels, idly stand by while our services turn into commodities and pay lip service to important issues. Here's to 2015!