EY Poaches Someone From Deloitte and Issues a Press Release, Part I

If there’s one way to describe the hiring practices at Big 4 firms it would be “turnabout is fair play.” For example, when one former KPMGer strolls through the doors to start his or her new job at PwC, there’s always another person who just left P. Dubs for a new role at the Radio Station.

We’ve written in the past about Deloitte poaching people from EY, but in today’s edition of “Big 4-on-Big 4 Poaching From Around the World,” turnabout is fair play for EY. Business Weekly in the U.K. wrote about EY’s newest consulting partner in Cambridge:

EY has hired James McElhone as a partner to head up the Consulting team in Cambridge.

He has a regional and national remit working with privately owned and listed businesses including those operating in the Life Science sector.

A specialist in supporting businesses through technology enabled transformations with a focus on the digital enablement of finance organisations and enterprise analytics, McElhone joins from Deloitte and has over 10 years’ experience working with international, national and regional businesses.

In addition to his specialism in the Life Science sector, McElhone has a wealth of expertise working with CFOs in the consumer, technology and banking sectors.

James McElhone

McElhone started his Big 4 career at Deloitte in 2010 as a manager in finance performance management for Deloitte Consulting, according to his LinkedIn profile, which was followed by a stint as senior manager.

McElhone was a director at Deloitte in the U.K. for the last five years before joining the Black and Yellow in January.

McElhone new partner in consulting at EY Cambridge [Business Weekly]

Related articles:

Deloitte Poaches Someone From EY and Issues a Press Release, Part I
Deloitte Poaches Someone From EY and Issues a Press Release, Part II