Accounting News Roundup: Cleaning Out the OCI Junk Drawer; Pitfalls in Workplace Romance; Someone’s Missing Davos | 02.17.14

Ed. note: It's Presidents Day and we're taking a bit of a breather. We'll chime in with anything that you absolutely need to know but otherwise, posting will be on the light side. So enjoy some reading or go check the latest posts at Open Items. We'll be back to full speed tomorrow. 

IRS is America’s feared and failing agency [BG]
The Globe chronicles all the counterproductivity. 

Accounting ‘Dumping Ground’ Headed For Clean Up [CFOJ]
The IASB wants to clear out the financial reporting junk drawer.

There's a bit of a gap in the scoring release window so the kvetching should be kept to a minimum.

Love in the air? Breathe it with caution at work [CGMA]
Anyone in the throes of a busy season romance may want to take a gander at this.

Dude. Party's over. Go home.

VC Horowitz Implicates Auditor PwC In Story About Dodging Backdating Bullet [Re:TheAuditors]
A good longread for Monday. 

President's Day: another reminder how messed up US holiday policies are [Guardian]
It's even more insulting because those of us taking the day off aren't going to a BBQ. 

Posted in ANR