Prometric Is Taking a Snow Day in the Northeast

In case you're wondering why you can't purchase a single loaf of bread or gallon of milk in all of the northeast, it's because thar be a storm a'brewin!

This also means that your CPA exam journey may be delayed slightly due to circumstances outside your control, which should not be confused with circumstances under your control like blowing off studying for Netflix binging or reorganization of your junk drawer.

Now, you can freak out and curse climate change, or you can enjoy your snow day and jump right back on the testing wagon when Prometric reopens again. Assuming, of course, that the testing center isn't buried under an avalanche.

If your testing center will be closed today, Prometric should have emailed you. If they didn't or if you're too lazy to check your email, here are the affected centers:

Jan 26
Allentown, PA 1710
Boston,MA 5135
Boston,MA 5235
Brooklyn, NY 5204
Brooklyn,NY 5203
Canton,MD 5001
Clark,NJ 5858
Clark,NJ 5871
Clarks Summit, PA 1736
Columbia,MD 0084
Hamilton, NJ 4113
Hamilton, NJ 4114
Lancaster, PA 1731
Laurel Springs, NJ 4101
Lower Paxton,PA 1718
Monroeville, PA 0082
New York, NY 5844
New York, NY 5845
New York, NY 5846
NewYork,NY 0040
NewYork,NY 0041
NewYork,NY 0042
NewYork,NY 0043
NewYork,NY 5856
Newyork,NY 5879
Newyork,NY 5880
Pittsburgh, PA 1705
Pittsburgh, PA 1706
Purchase,NY 4203
Queens, NY 0019
Towson, MD 0092
West Springfield, MA 2525
Woodlawn 5179

Generally when this happens — which is does, weather being something none of us except the Illuminati operatives running H.A.A.R.P. have control over — the testing window gets extended to allow time to reschedule exams. So relax, you have plenty of time to get this over with when the skies clear.

Be safe out there, all. The exam will be there waiting for you when the storm has passed!