Donald Trump’s Quest to Put H&R Block Out of Business Looking Like a Total Failure

donald trump tax reform

During the presidential campaign, bellowing fast food connoisseur Donald J. Trump said that his tax policy was to “Put H&R Block out of business.” So, how’s that going?

Well, last month he said, “We’re going to simplify very greatly the tax code. It’s too complicated. H&R Block probably won’t be too happy,” adding, “Other than H&R Block, I think people are going to love it.”


H&R Block CEO Bill Cobb said Tuesday that he likes President Donald Trump’s tax reform plans and the Republicans’ tax-credit-driven replacement for the Affordable Care Act.

You’ve probably noticed that Bill Cobb has made an art out of trolling his adversaries. One need look no further than his response to the AICPA when they got all bent out of shape about some Block Advisors ads last year.

When Trump was elected, I’m sure Cobb assembled a TRUMP TROLL TEAM immediately to prepare for a stream of bile directed at his company. And here he is, being chill:

“People are going to be confused. I think they’re going to turn to us for help,” Cobb said during a session with investment analysts after the company reported its most recent financial results. “I’m puzzled why people think this is a negative for us.”

Never mind the fact that tax reform is going nowhere at ludicrous speed. H&R Block will be fine.


Image: Michael Vadon/Wikimedia Commons