Please Don’t Celebrate the End of Busy Season By Doing the Harlem Shake

This effort was put forth by a team in the E&Y San Antonio office and if you’re a dancing accountants aficionado, it serves as another opportunity to study technique, enthusiasm, and production quality.

It’s fine effort by E&Y Alamo, I suppose. The Darth Vader mask is a nice touch. There’s no random baby in a pumpkin shirt though.

And what should really concern some of you is the very real possibility that team leaders may see this as an opportunity to find a more economical way to reward you — that is, random tomfoolery. “I know! Let’s put on horse masks and run through the park!”

While that may satisfy some, definitive evidence has shown that commiserating in a tavern is something that gets a lot people through the long days and nights. If your first instinct after putting a bow on your busy season is to pull out a vuvuzela, a sombrero, or to zip yourself inside a sleeping bag, you are selling yourself FAR SHORT.

Yes, I admit, dancing/roughhousing in funny costumes like complete fools is a good time, but this should be practiced in addition to more traditional busy season celebrations I mean, what’s next? Partners making donations in your name to The Human Fund?  These are dangerous waters.