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Is Accounting Fraud Coming to Broadway?
- Caleb Newquist
- August 11, 2009
It goes without saying that the lack of stage and screen productions of anything related to accounting is no accident.
We Americans crave the spoon-fed Hollywood experience and don’t have much patience for cerebral art. The Brits, on the other hand, have decided that accounting fraud is truly meant for the stage because Enron will start showing at the Royal Court Theatre on September 7th and run through November 7th, according to the Theatre’s website.
Get the details, after the jump
The comedic tragedy stars Samuel West as Jeff Skilling and it has gotten excellent reviews in previews, indicating that they avoided the accounting aspects completely.
No word on the whether the play will make its way to the States but if it did we’d suggest James Gandolfini as Skilling, merely for the crucial scene where Skilling has a vein pop out of his forehead when he blows a gasket on an earnings call with skeptical analysts. We’d pull for Hugh Jackman as the Arthur Andersen partner but we’re guessing that it would end up being Philip Seymour Hoffman.
Discuss your casting choices in the comments and if you’re in London, you can see the play for as cheap as ten quid so go get yourself some culture.
Enron…The Play [Bruce Carton/Compliance Week]
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The PCAOB Wants You to Know That the New Accounting Standards Codification is Not Optional
- Caleb Newquist
- September 3, 2009
The PCAOB would like all of you auditors to know that you better learn how to use this Codification thing and quit your bitching about how you don’t like it because they can hear you screeching about how much it sucks.
Nevermind that the P is already making your lives difficult with new rules and leaving lame ducks on their board.
Seriously. Get with the program.
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Grant Thornton’s Determination to Saturate Us with Data on CFOs Knows No Bounds
- Caleb Newquist
- October 31, 2009
Our prediction that Grant Thornton’s string of press releases related to its survey of CFOs was coming to an end was wrong. Dead wrong.
The firm issued two more today, one related to the financial services companies and one for health care organizations.
While we appreciate all the good work that GT is doing to pull all this information together, we’re definitely to the point we’d like to see something else out of GT. Some people are inspired. We’ll even take the freaky milk company.