NASBA Doesn’t Think the CPA Exam is the Worst Part About Becoming a CPA

Those of you currently in CPA exam studying hell should appreciate this.

NASBA came out with "Three Tips for Planning to Take the CPA Exam" today, which is predictably remedial in typical NASBA fashion. The tips are pretty much duh, like know the requirements to sit in your desired state of licensure, don't plan to take more sections than you can actually sit for in a window, and be prepared for things to get screwed up. Got it, all standard.

Then, at the bottom of the article, we find this:

Taking the Exam is one of the most challenging parts of becoming a CPA.

We're curious, what could the other challenging parts be? Staying awake during CPA review courses? Maintaining a supply of highlighters? Hoping the state Board of Accountancy doesn't hold that drunken and disorderly charge against you? Crippling student loan debt with no promise of a job? Oh wait, scratch that last one, I was thinking the bar.

Maybe it's NBD to you, Mr. NASBA guy, but to some candidates, taking the exam is one of the most challenging parts of life, right up there with remembering to breathe and making the perfect iced coffee at home. How dare you minimize their horror!