Who Wants to Open Up a Prometric Testing Center?

Yeah buddy, I found my next money-making project. I have > 800 sq. ft in the worst part of DC that I can easily load up with Leading Edge machines running DOS 6.0. We already have more guns per capita than any other ward in DC, so there's the security part. And I definitely know how to read an ID. Gold.

Who knew it was this easy to run a Prometric testing center (besides just about anyone who has actually sat at one)?

Benefits of delivering APTC exams

We are looking for partners who can act on the behalf of Prometric and our testing clients and leverage their local market knowledge to deliver certification tests to local candidates. For example, a business which acts as a certified trainer for one of our testing partners will provide in-house testing as a value-added feature within their overall services to local customers.

There are strict operational, technical, and security standards that must be met and maintained.

Operators Responsibility

This includes some financial responsibility that an ATPC will assume in return for the right to deliver these tests. To review and accept these obligations and to proceed with an application, please click on the link below.

APTC Application Note: You must use IE 5.5 or above in order to complete the application.

Is it completely and totally hilarious that you are only required to be running an IE product (released in March of 1999) that became obsolete before most of you were self-aware to open the application? Anyway, the "strict operation, technical and security standards" to which Prometric refers includes software security, data privacy (that's laughable given their alleged penchant for selling data to unrelated third parties), physical security, transmission of data to Prometric and the ability to open the testing center to start cranking out the nail techs and CPAs in a prompt manner. There is no mention of the test center's ability to keep the server from crashing (whatever that is supposed to mean) or the Internet connected.

If you have some extra space, a few extension cords and some old machines lying around, I think you know what to do.