Accounting News Roundup: Talent Worries and Opposing Auditor Rotation | 03.20.17


Nothing says accounting news quite like a corgi on a beach.

Accounting firms are worried about talent

A survey from the International Federation of Accountants found that the biggest worry for small and medium-sized firms is “[a]ttracting new staff and retaining existing staff.” You’d think that these concerns would be met with excitement for more automation so firm leaders could just forgo the humans altogether, but another major worry is the “anticipated impact of technology developments.” These include “Staying current with new hardware and software, along with moving to the cloud.” I guess if a lot of firms are still worried about the cloud then hiring robots to solve quell their talent worries is probably asking too much.


Francine McKenna reports on what to expect in the confirmation hearing of Securities and Exchange Commission chairman nominee Jay Clayton.

Republicans will focus on Clayton’s capital formation record as an attorney who worked with famous clients on mergers and acquisitions. Democrats are expected to focus on his lack of a record on either investor protection and enforcement.

The hearing is scheduled for Thursday.

Nobody likes auditor rotation

Hey, look, the Big 4 oppose auditor rotation in South Africa, too.

Previously, on Going Concern…

In Open Items, someone’s debating between Big 4 advisory and corporate internal audit.

Someone else is curious about Big 4 partner salaries.

And finally, a JD is thinking about switching to EY TAS.

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