Footnotes: PCAOB Inspectors’ Safety Abroad; Nice Luxury Tax You’ve Got There; The Worst Charities | 07.10.13

Gartner, Inc. is looking for a Senior Reporting Analyst in Stamford, CT. [GCJ]

PCAOB Takes Steps to Safeguard Audit Inspectors Abroad [AT]

Baucus, Hatch: Revenue question not settled [The Hill]

Record Luxury Tax Looms for the Nets [NYT]

In other JOBS Act news… [DealBook]

Not All Curbs on Tax Preferences Are Created Equal [TaxVox]

Here's some NFP news you can use: The Tampa Bay Times (along with the Center of Investigative Reporting and CNN) did a huge investigation into the country's 50 worst charities. That is they spend less than 1% of funds donated on their state mission. [TBT via CJR]

It's probably a good idea to avoid a guy who might get his CPA stripped since he's already been disbarred and lost his real estate license. [OCR]

Naked TN woman distracts homeowner during burglary [NBC]

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