Here’s Your Open Thread for RSM (fka McGladrey) Compensation Discussions (2016)

Early July is usually when compensation discussions start for the denizens of RSM, fka McGladrey, fka McGladrey & Pullen, fka RSM McGladrey (a division of H&R Block). Lo and behold, very early this morning, a tipster sent us a message:

RSM comp thread? Partners begin communicating July 6th through 20th.

Normally, we might wait awhile for the anticipation to reach a fever pitch, but we're feeling charitable (plus, there's nothing else going on). 

To help you along, here's what the comp thread sticklers usually call for:

  • Position, promotion (if applicable)
  • City (region is not informative) & line of service
  • % Raise 
  • % Bonus (if any)
  • Old & new base

Enjoy. May all your wildest and unrealistic expectations come true.