Exact numbers on EY UK partner pay haven’t been revealed yet but we do know that it isn’t going to be great. While we wait for those numbers and our shipment of tiny violins to arrive, figures on two other firms across the pond are out: Deloitte and PwC.
TLDR: Big D partners won this round by quite a bit.
Woe Be Unto PwC UK Partners
PwC UK partners pocketed £862,000 on average for the year ended June 30, 2024 — that works out to more than $1.14 million in freedom units. This is down from £906,000 in 2023 and way down from 2022’s record of £1 million, the latter having been boosted by the sale of PwC’s Global Mobility Tax and Immigration Services business. Total revenue at PwC UK was £6.3 billion ($8.4 billion USD) for 2024, heavily bolstered by 26% growth in the Middle East business while the UK business trudged along at 3% growth overall.

Now Let’s See Why They’re Called Big D
Deloitte didn’t have a spectacular year either yet its partners still took home an average of £1.01 million for the year ended May 31. Revenue results released this week show an increase of 2.4% to £5.7 billion ($7.6 billion USD). So they made less than PwC without a Middle East of their own to carry them and partner pay dropped by 5% but still beat PwC in partner take.
Consulting revenues contracted by 1% from £1.6 billion in FY23 to £1.58 billion in FY24 and Financial Advisory “faced a challenging market” to come out at £653 million in FY24 (down from £669m in FY23).
Deloitte didn’t whip up a snazzy autumnal-colored chart for their revenue results, just this screenshot of a table in what we assume is Word.
Since September of 2023, Deloitte has laid off nearly 1,000 people (that we’re aware of). Said the firm in their revenue announcement:
In response to a challenging market we had to take the difficult decision of making a number of targeted redundancies early in the year. However, we have continued to hire in areas of growth, with 3,387 new colleagues, including 2,150 graduates, apprentices and interns joining the firm. 6,800 of our 27,000 people were promoted this year – 80 of them to partner.
As of June 2024, the number of partners at Deloitte UK is 1,369, 30% of whom are women.